About Us
AEP | Anderson
Environment & Planning
Based in Newcastle, AEP works throughout NSW and beyond, with strong grounding in the Hunter Valley & Central Coast regions. AEP provides high-level environmental services, advice, strategic direction and management for sectors including land development, infrastructure, legal, conservation, government, mining and quarrying.
We understand the practicalities and economic realities challenging our clients, and seek to find pathways and solutions that meet our clients’ needs and protect their assets and investments.
Craig Anderson BAppSc (EAM), AEP Managing Director, is a seasoned environmental professional with more than 25 years’ experience in a variety of roles in the private sector.
Craig is well supported by the AEP team, comprising 30 professionals with expertise in a diverse range of environmental disciplines. The team includes five Accredited Biodiversity Assessors under the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.

Our Services
Some information about Our services

The AEP team is experienced at all aspects of terrestrial and aquatic survey, development assessment including Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports, management and reporting.

AEP prepares Bushfire Threat Assessments, Management Plans and Emergency Evacuation Plans for an array of development types. Integration with our ecology assessment team ensures compatible outcomes for project maximisation.

Biodiversity Offset Scheme
Our staff accredited under the NSW Biodiversity Accredited Assessor System (BAAS) have extensive experience and detailed knowledge of Biodiversity Conservation legislation, processes, and market economics for both development and stewardship sites.

Management plans
AEP prepares and monitors the progress of Bushland Rehabilitation Plans, Vegetation Management Plans, Fauna Management Plans, Wildlife Management Strategies and Landscape Plans.

Our Arborist Team led by an AQF5 qualified consultant conducts all manner of tree health assessment and reporting. This includes commissions ranging from single trees to large-scale projects with thousands of trees.

Post-Approval and Monitoring Ecology Services
AEP is expert in negotiating, advising, planning and delivering the full range of ecological work to satisfy Conditions of Consent imposed by councils, state and Commonwealth Government agencies.
AEP is experienced in preparing high-quality reports to satisfy Conditions of Consent and our post-approval and monitoring work routinely includes:
- Pre-clearing surveys;
- Clearing supervision;
- Dam dewatering and installation;
- Hollow salvage, remanufacture;
- Nest box Installation in areas of retained bushland; and
- Monitoring and reporting for habitat rehabilitation, threatened species, nest box, rehab and biodiversity offsets.
Contact Us
IF YOU HAVE A question,
10 Darvall Street, Carrington, NSW, Australia, New South Wales